Registration for Virtual MLAG will not begin until May 1, 2025. The workshops will be similar in scope to those in 2024 so we’re leaving the 2024 schedule up to give you some idea of what the 2025 schedule will look like. All times will be Eastern Daylight Time.

Tuesday, June 4th - 2:00 pm
Practice Webinar: Join us to make sure your system is working correctly and you are not experiencing any problems with Zoom.

Wednesday, June 5th - 4:15 pm
Welcome to Virtual MLAG: Each evening our free Social Hours give you an opportunity to catch up with friends, share experiences and ideas, and just enjoy each other’s company for a relaxing hour. On some days, we may ask one of our performers to stop by and and hang out.

Wednesday, June 5th - 7:30 pm - Board Member Concert
The Mountain Laurel Board Members will perform a few songs on autoharp and other instruments to get the festivities off to a solid musical start.

Thursday, June 6th - 11:30 am - Michael Poole
“MLAG Jam Favorites” (all): Allow this workshop to introduce you to some of the tunes that are always heard in the open MLAG jam sessions. Get a head start on your jam prep by playing and singing some of the great tunes that are MLAG favorites. All skill levels, instruments, and singers welcome.

Thursday, June 6th - 1:45 pm - Workshop Leader Concert
In addition to our featured performers, MLAG includes many workshops taught by other members of our community. This concert allows those workshop leaders to talk briefly about their workshops, and perform a tune; if there’s time, maybe even two tunes. While the virtual track offers just 6 workshops from 6 instructors, this concert will give a taste of what’s available to those attending Mountain Laurel in person.

Thursday, June 6th - 3:00 pm - Lindsay Haisley
“Rhythms on the Autoharp” (all): This workshop explores the use of the autoharp as a rhythm instrument accompanying other instruments and voices. It develops a strong and flexible technique for playing various tempos and rhythms on the autoharp using smooth strumming along with damping techniques on the buttons. This workshop is actually appropriate for any stringed instrument used for rhythm accompaniment and has been successfully used with groups containing guitar and mandolin players as well as autoharpists.

Thursday, June 6th - 4:15 pm - Thursday Social Hour
Each evening our free Social Hours give you an opportunity to catch up with friends, share experiences and ideas, and just enjoy each other’s company for a relaxing hour. On some days, we may ask one of our performers to stop by and and hang out.

Thursday, June 6th - 7:30 pm - Thursday Night Concert
Our featured performers take the stage! The Thursday lineup features Les Gustafson-Zook, Allison Guinn, Tom Schroeder, and Karen Mueller.

Friday, June 7th - 11:30 am - Tom Schroeder
“Anticipate the Chord Changes” (beg-int; keys of D, G, C, F): Whether you are singing or playing a melody, if the music uses several chords, you need a plan to smoothly transition through them.

Friday, June 7th - 1:45 pm - Guided Virtual Jam
The Jam Band will be in the Shippensburg auditorium, along with In Person jammers… and you can listen in and play along from home! We will mute your audio, but you will see the group playing in the hall as you join in the fun.” It’s a grand experiment in virtually playing together.

Friday, June 7th - 3:00 pm - Karen Mueller
“Cajun Tunes for Autoharp” (int & up; keys of G & D): Explore the infectious rhythms and melodies of Cajun music, including waltzes and two-steps, with strumming patterns, accenting the back beat, and swing (dotted eighth) rhythms.

Friday, June 7th - 4:15 pm - Friday Social Hour
Each evening our free Social Hours give you an opportunity to catch up with friends, share experiences and ideas, and just enjoy each other’s company for a relaxing hour. On some days, we may ask one of our performers to stop by and and hang out.

Friday, June 7th - 7:30 pm - Autoharp Championship
32nd Annual Mountain Laurel Championship Contest

Saturday, June 8th - 10:15 am - Allison Guinn
“Murder Ballads” (all): Allison has started a murder ballad podcast(!) with her singing partner and will take you through how she researches these true stories, and then will share or swap some favorite murder ballads.

Saturday, June 8th - 11:30 am - Barbara Dace CD Celebration
Cohen-Grappel Recording Endowment Winner Barbara Dace presents her new CD and shares stories about her inspiration and her recording experience.

Saturday, June 8th - 3:00 pm - Les Gustafson-Zook
“Music for Traumatic Times” (beg-int; chromatic): Allow music to heal your troubled soul by learning to play beautiful chromatic arrangements of three classic songs – “How Can I Keep From Singing,” “The Water is Wide,” and “Midnight on the Water” – bringing a meditative and peaceful spirit back into your life.

Saturday, June 8th - 4:15 pm - Closing Social Hour
Each evening our free Social Hours give you an opportunity to catch up with friends, share experiences and ideas, and just enjoy each other’s company for a relaxing hour. On some days, we may ask one of our performers to stop by and and hang out.

Saturday, June 8th - 7:30 pm - Saturday Night Concert
Our featured performers take the stage! The Saturday lineup features Michael Poole, Allison Guinn, Lindsay Haisley & Cheryl DeHut, and Karen Mueller

Sunday, June 9th - 10:15 am - Sunday Morning Concert
Our featured performers take the stage! The Sunday lineup features Lindsay Haisley & Cheryl DeHut, Michael Poole, Tom Schroeder, and Les Gustafson-Zook.