
MLAG 2025 In-Person Gathering Ticket


Name Tag Information

Please tell us exactly what to print on your name tag

If you’re in the US, please provide your two letter state abbreviation in all capitals. For people outside the US, please provide the name of your country.

Here for the first time? We’ll put a mark on your name tag, so that people that have been before can make you feel welcome.

Email me the handouts instead of getting paper copies in person- printed workshop handouts will be provided with your on-site registration packet unless you opt for the Paperless Workshop Handouts in the form of a PDF file emailed to you prior to MLAG.

Let’s stay in touch

If there are any important updates about your booking, we would like to be able to tell you about them. Please provide the Email address of the guest listed here so we may reach out if needed.
